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August 11, 2024
"Enjoying Alaska" on Free Motion Mavericks from Quilting & Learning

Hi and welcome. It's been a busy and very hot week here. Other than taking Poppy out for short walks, I've been staying indoors (estivating) where it's cool. When there is humidex in the middle of the night, you know that it's hot!

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May 13, 2024
Odds and Ends on Free Motion Mavericks from Quilting & Learning

Hi and welcome to week 581 of Free Motion Mavericks.

Fibre Fling finds 

Last Friday and Saturday was the Out of the Box (OOTB) Fibre Artists' Fibre Fling 2024. I was there for most of the two days, spending my time at the Membership table. I had a chance to meet with fellow members, potential members and see all of the wonderful work of these very talented artists.

If you didn't see it, here are my two pieces at the show.

My tulips and birds at Fibre Fling

Over 30 potentially new members signed up for more information on ...

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June 27, 2023
Daisy Beauty on Free Motion Mavericks from Quilting & Learning

Welcome to week 436 of Free Motion Mavericks. Happy Solstice

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April 29, 2023
Rainbow Neighbourhood Houses - Blocks 2 to 4 from Quilting & Learning

I was falling behind on my Rainbow Neighbourhood QAL so I'm now all caught up. 

A Mauve House

The second house was finished in the middle of last week. It was easier to make the second time around. Of course the star blocks are all different, so there is a learning curve there.

The mauve house with a blue Friendship star!

For the window details, I added a hanging planter and a bird who is visiting out of his cage. Will he go back in? I found a beautiful mosaic type fabric that looks like stained glass, so that ...

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April 11, 2023
Block 1 of the Rainbow Neighbourhood QAL from Quilting & Learning

Hi! I hope that you are all well

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January 28, 2023
Going somewhere is Finished on Free Motion Mavericks from Quilting & Learning

Welcome to week 417 of Free Motion Mavericks! I hope that you've had a chance to play since I last posted. When I began this piece, I had no idea that it would end up being free motion quilted (FMQ). I think that the FMQ added a lot to it. I'll let you judge this for yourself.

"Going somewhere..."

This piece began, as many of them do, with a workshop on I haven't had time to do as many workshops as I would like, but this one grabbed my attention. It took me a while ...

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November 21, 2022
FMQ Swirling Leaves 2 on Free Motion Mavericks from Quilting & Learning

As the snow arrives, Swirling Leaves is almost finished! Welcome to Free Motion Mavericks, Week 407.

Free Motion Quilting Swirling Leaves 2

I was hoping to get this piece finished today but I was getting tired and I'm learning when to stop

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October 31, 2022
Swirling Leaves 2 coming together from Quilting & Learning

Hi! I hope that you're enjoying the rest of the fall.

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October 27, 2022
Playing in isolation from Quilting & Learning

Hi, I hope this post finds you well. I'm afraid that I am now officially under isolation - that second bar appeared on the darn Covid test

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October 22, 2022
Fall Wonderland from Quilting & Learning

I took an amazing trip with my daughter during the weekend of Canadian Thanksgiving. I wanted to celebrate my up-coming retirement with a trip. Taking the Agawa Canyon train has been on my bucket list since I heard about it many, many moons ago. 

A memorable train ride

The train to Agawa Canyon departs from Sault Ste. Marie, Ontario. I've been a few times, usually driving through to get to Lake Superior or to head to the Mid-West. This time we stayed two nights, had an amazing meal and a delightful trip to the Agawa Canyon. 

As we were ...

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September 26, 2022
Embroideries in hoops from Quilting & Learning

I've been doing some slow stitching in the last few weeks. It's always such a relaxing thing to do. 

Stitching a second seascape 

Last month, I wrote a post about Embroidering a seascape. It was based on's workshop with Bethany Duffy (see Related links below). I decided that I wanted to go further with this technique since it's a lot of fun and since I changed it up a little, was able to learn a new beading technique

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April 8, 2022
Journey of many paths aka Traveller's Blanket from Quilting & Learning

I am so happy to be writing this post. The Traveller's Blanket was a journey of almost two years, and a union of several projects. When I started my traveller's blanket with a course with Dejanne Cevaal, I didn't really foresee this amazing journey in slow and meditation stitching. I'm so happy that you've shared it with me.

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March 21, 2022
Final update on Traveller's Blanket from Quilting & Learning

Hi! This is my last update on my Traveller's Blanket because the next time you see it, it will be done

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March 6, 2022
Learning from old quilt books from Quilting & Learning

Hi, welcome to the first day of the Blog Hop, "Dust off a Quilt Book". This event is hosted by Beaquilter. Thanks Bea for organising this fun blog hop, and for Frédérique for offering to make it a linking party!  

Trying out a new technique

It took me over a month to decide what book and what project to do - and even then, it didn't turn out as planned. I sure did learn a lot

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Tulip Medley for Project Quilting 13.5 from Quilting & Learning

I haven't had much time to join Project Quilting this year, but since this week's prompt is Rhythm & Repetition, I decided to take a couple of hours to make something. That's all I allowed myself because I know that I'm quite good at over-thinking and over-doing my projects. This was just a chance to play without expectations.

Rhythm & Repetition

In the Project Quilting 13.5 post, Trish included a couple of helpful links to articles on what rhythm and repetition looks like in art. I've included the links to these articles in Related links below ...

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January 16, 2022
Wishes for 2022 from Quilting & Learning

After the holidays, it was good to start 2022 calmly and quietly. I did a little bit of free motion quilting (FMQ) which I will show you at the end of this post. Today I want to share with you a very fun project - another squirrel!

Stitching on a clean-up cloth

The first workshop of the year at was presented by Vanessa Marr. It's called Domestic Story Cloths. Vanessa stitches stories of women and domestic work on dusters. I was intrigued by the workshop and took a couple of days to think about the possibilities. 

please let ...

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December 10, 2021
Traveller's Blanket Update from Quilting & Learning

I've been doing a lot of slow stitching, mostly on my Traveller's Blanket and then posting on Instagram. There have been lots and lots of hours pleasantly spent stitching and now quilting it.

Quilting the Traveller's Blanket

The last update on my Traveller's Blanket was October 11, 2021. I was showing you my daily stitching on the #100dayschallenge on Instagram. At the time I was up to day 37/100. On Day 39, I started quilting the background of the right top corner of the piece. This picture was taken about a week ago.

Slowly quilting ...

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October 5, 2021
Update on my Traveller's Blanket from Quilting & Learning

I started my Traveller's Blanket in May 2020 based on a course by Dejanne Cevaal. This will be my second stitching project for the next part of my #100dayschallenge on Instagram.

Traveller's Blanket so far

Mixing up projects and techniques

This project has what I love best - a mixture of different projects and techniques (links in Related links below).
  • Meditation stitching - after reading an article by Liz Kettle in the October/November 2019 edition of the Quilting Arts magazine, I started making 4" squares. It was very calming and creative, but what to do with all of those ...

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June 9, 2021
Snippet Exchange from Quilting & Learning

Exchanging Snippets
In mid-February I exchanged the background of my snippet with Dorothy, another member of the Out of the Box (OOTB) Fibre textile group. We had until May 17th to finish embellishing our partner's snippet background and exchange them for the final reveal during our monthly virtual meeting.

Snippet background

A snippet is a small piece of something. You've probably heard of a snippet of music or video. If you Google "snippet roll" you will find that they are generally narrow lengths of embellished fabric that are often rolled around a piece of wood, such as a ...

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May 28, 2021
After the Storm from Quilting & Learning

This is the latest piece that I've finished from a Stitch Challenge workshop. I know that I say that many of my art quilts are my favourites but I really, really love this one.

After the Storm

After the Storm

In March of this year, I made this piece following a workshop with Jette Clover, a Danish fibre artist. It's based on a photo taken after a snow storm this winter. 

A photo of my back yard after the snow storm

Our workshop was to create a piece based on a winter scene. I've often ...

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  • hand-dyed fabric
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